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Rating: Q=4, P=2 / Thanks But No Thanks
Scale 1=2, Scale 2=2, Scale 3=1, Scale 4=1
High School, Comedy, 1950s, Coming of Age
I had never actually watched Porky's until just recently--the film was always on my radar since it is basically a Coming of Age film featuring a group of young males in high school. Well, I finally watched and I'm not surprised that I didn't think much of it. It's definitely a one-viewing film, for me. The jokes are not that funny, to me, and while the shenanigans that take place are all based on real-life events that happened in the early 1950s, something just doesn't feel right. Too much of the 1980s is leaking into the story and filming, maybe. Anyway, glad I watched but probably won't again.
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