First, determine the quality of the documentary on two
separate scales. This has nothing to do with your personal interest or taste in
the film. These elements should be based on knowledge of filmmaking, the
subject involved, and critical analysis. Try to be objective.
K. Quality of Artistry/Format
Cinematography, Editing, Art Direction, Music
0 = No quality/Awful
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
L. Quality of Information/Concept
Interviews, Narration, Reporting, Accuracy and/or Relevance,
Cohesion, Objectivity
0 = No quality/Awful
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
Second, add up the points so far to determine the Documentary
Quality score (DOCQ)
Documentary Quality Scales Total (Sum of Scales K & L)
0-3 = Crayon: Easily break, melt, and end up coloring out of the
lines (Poor)
4-6 = Pencil: That eraser comes in handy, not too edgy (Good)
7-8 = Fountain Pen: Permanent and sends a message (Amazing)
Third, determine your personal reaction and interest in the film
on two separate scales. This may not have anything to do with the Quality
scales. In other words, these answers are subjective, your opinion, and
naturally biased.
M. Personal Reaction
Consider the goals of the documentary. Did you learn anything?
Were you impressed? Shocked? Totally appalled? Did you appreciate the
purpose/goals of the film? Were you engaged? Did the film spark new interest in
the subject or issue?
0 = No reaction/Hated it
1 = Little reaction/Didn't like it
2 = Reacted/Liked it
3 = Good Reaction/Enjoyed it
4 = Great Reaction/Loved it
N. Personal Likelihood of Re-viewing
Whether you'd re-watch the documentary (or teach it in a class) may
say more about your reaction and tastes than answering any other kind of
0 = None/I'd never watch it again
1 = Slim
2 = Possible
3 = Likely
4 = Very Likely
Fourth, add up the
points of this second set of scales to determine the Documentary Personal Score
Documentary Personal Scales Total (Sum of Scales M & N)
0-3 = Construction Paper: Better for crafts (Poor)
4-6 = College Ruled: Practical and efficient but not for reports
7-8 = Parchment: Effective and official, taken seriously (Amazing)
HOORAY! You now have several ways of reading/recording this
1. Just use the numbers:
Documentary Quality Score (DOCQ) = _8 & Documentary Personal
Score (DOCP) = _/8
Note: Don't combine the scores because this places less emphasis
on your personal score.
2. Use the label chart: