Note: I plan to occasionally review television shows in addition to films. My rating system doesn't quite work for a series because each episode can be treated like a short film but also as a part of a larger whole. It's best to rate a show, then, by season. The format and techniques of shows are also very different compared to films. Therefore, I've made a slightly different rating system especially for shows. Click here to see.
Click here for the basics
DSQ=9, SP=6 / Average Snack
Scale D=3, Scale=E=3, Scale F=3, Scale G=3, Scale H=3
New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina aftermath, Music, Race Issues, Socio-Cultural, Mardi-Gras
I was very surprised not to have heard about this HBO drama until Netflix suggested I might enjoy it. I did. What a wonderfully refreshing drama- it is centered completely around the culture of New Orleans and the devastation that was Hurricane Katrina and the following flooding. Some of the acting seems forced but probably because many of the players are musicians, not actors. The stories link together beautifully and the main character -the city- is never lost in any of the sub-plots. If you like jazz and blues and the New Orleans sound, watch this program.