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Rating: Q=6, P=5 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=3, Scale 3=3, Scale 4=2
Philosophical, Separation, Grieving, Mystery, Complex Relationships
Forgiveness is an act which shows tremendous mental and emotional strength. Philomena is a moving story about a woman who has wrestled for years with shame, guilt, and hatred but chooses to forgive rather than be angry. She chooses to smile and be gracious rather than brood and become cynical. It is not just a mystery tale about adoption or an investigation into the secrets of a nunnery. There are subtle philosophical moments and quiet lines that make you think about how you are living your life. Is revealing the truth enough repentance? Dame Judi Dench and Steve Coogan make an amazing pair. Watch this film and you will wish to feel a bit lighter.
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