Monday, February 2, 2015

Tim's Vermeer

Tim's Vermeer (Pen Jillette and Teller, 2013)
Click here for the basics
Rating: DOCQ=8, DOCP=8 / First Rate
Scale K=3, Scale L=3, Scale M=4, Scale N=3

Documentary, Art, Technology, History

Growing up around paintings and drawings, knowing many artists, and being a different kind of artist myself, I've always had an enormous respect for the amount of patience and dedication one must have to create. I fully understand writer's block and have spent many hours playing chord progressions with no results. So, Tim's Vermeer was a treat of a film--Tim says he isn't an artist, yet he creates a near exact replica of Vermeer's studio and then paints a version of a Vermeer in just over four months. He learns to hold a paintbrush, mixes his own paint, grinds his own lens, and then sits for countless hours to observe and paint what he sees. He has ample curiosity to discover how Vermeer worked, he does research and experiments. How is this not an artist? If Vermeer used a lens to paint (which is pretty likely), does this make him less an artist?

One must certainly have talent and imagination to be a good artist, and one must learn skills. But sometimes we underestimate the value and importance of having the right tools. There are plenty of budding geniuses out there who will never know they have talent, never be discovered because they don't have access to paints or canvas or books...This is a wonderful film that really makes you think about definitions and meanings.

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here