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Rating: Q=6, P=5 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=3, Scale 3=3, Scale 4=2
Music, Teaching, Will power, Motivation, Psychological
Seriously intense. I was uncomfortable most of the time I was watching. I've known musicians and students who have felt the overpowering need to be the best, to work until their fingers bleed, to lose all sense of self and autonomy...all to win the approval of some authority figure. Is it worth it? When music no longer becomes enjoyable, when you pay no attention to anything else except winning, is that a good thing? Criticism and conflict is essential for all artists, absolutely, but as this film shows, success in the music business is really about grit. And the definition of success is very complicated.
Best part of this film? The last ten minutes. To be really a really great musician you have to own yourself, be yourself, take charge, and forget about what other people think.
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