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Rating: Q=6, P=5 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=3, Scale 3=3, Scale 4=2
Northern Ireland, Crime, Political, Ethics/Philosophy, Hunger Strike
I found this film disturbing, gut-wrenching, and painful to watch. It's an important film because it shows a story that really happened, that happens time and time again, and one from which we should learn. There are few people like Bobby Sands and his comrades who have/had principles and beliefs so strong they would sacrifice their own lives in order to maybe bring change to a nation or the world. There are films about prison life, about political corruption, about dissension--but this one is different. This one is slow and quiet and excruciating, echoing the malnourished body of the protagonist. It is a film of visuals with little dialogue--beautiful and provocative. I can't recommend everyone to watch because it is quite upsetting.
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