Monday, December 4, 2017


Interstellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014)
Click here for the basics
Image result for interstellar
Rating: Q=8, P=7 / Obsession
Scale 1=4, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=4, Scale 4=3

Future, Science Fiction, Exploration, Philosophical, Thriller, Psychological

I knew before watching Interstellar about the praise that much of the scientific community gave the film. So, I had high hopes that I'd enjoy the story and the concepts. Well, I certainly did. I loved every minute of the story, was mesmerized by the cinematography and art direction, and sat on the edge of my seat for most of the amazing sequences. Thinking about what lies beyond our galaxy is fascinating, but even more fascinating is seeing an interpretation of phenomena we haven't experienced. Black holes, worm holes, the event horizon, etc. Wow. Probably the most mind-bending part, for me anyway, was tackling relativity and time. Not many films really portray this part well (or accurately) but Christopher Nolan definitely did. And knowing that many physicists agree the film's story is plausible makes it all the more exciting.

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here