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Rating: Q=8, P=6 / Can't Get Enough
Scale 1=4, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=4, Scale 4=2
Crime, Drama, Thriller, Psychological, DC Universe
Oh, the depths of the human mind and experience that we are taken to...what a haunting performance from Joaquin Phoenix. To me, this film is about mental health and class struggle. Yes, it is a DC villian's origin story, but it is so much more than that. Joker is mesmerizing and beautifully eerie in so many ways. The cello music mirrors Fleck's descent into madness and chaos, a place that for years he was not allowed to go to because he was "crazy." He's been abused, discarded, lied to, locked up, dismissed, not listened to. His life and the world he inhabits are so full of resentment and anger that just keeps building up. When he breaks, the world breaks, too. This is the best DC film I've seen. Truly disturbing but so poignant.
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