Monday, March 8, 2021

Tron and Tron Legacy

Tron (Steven Lisberger, 1982)
Click here for the basics

Rating: Q=4, P=3 / Thanks But No Thanks
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=1, Scale 3=2, Scale 4=1

Technology, Action, Adventure, Philosophy

I had only seen bits and pieces of Tron, so it was high time that I watched it in its entirety. While I loved the concepts and the visual artistry, the story made me frustrated. I don't usually get angry at a film's writing unless it a) has a really amazing concept and b) introduces very interesting ideas and meanings BUT then does nothing with them. Tron is so cool and could be completely engrossing and immersive, but so many little things kept pulling me out of the film. I found myself asking, how or why or what's going on now in the outside world, etc. so frequently that it spoiled some of the fun of the brilliant world I was witnessing. The bigger meanings and symbolism that kept coming up in the story ultimately had no point when the film was over. That made me sad. But I loved so much about it--the mesmerizing visuals, the relationship between people and the technology they create, the music. I just wish that someone had written in a little more depth!

Tron Legacy (Walter Hill, 1978)
Click here for the basics

Rating: Q=5, P=4 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=2, Scale 3=2, Scale 4=2

Technology, Action, Adventure, Philosophy

I much preferred Tron Legacy to its predecessor--the writing was certainly better and more time was given to meanings. I still had plenty of questions and parts of the ending left me confused and ready for more (Tron 3?) especially with regards to the characters Tron and Cora.

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here