Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Nightmare Alley (1947)

Nightmare Alley (1947)
Click here for the basics

Rating: Q=6, P=5 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=3, Scale 3=3, Scale 4=2

Film Noir, Carnival, Crime, Thriller

I can't believe I hadn't seen this film before--really? A film noir that escaped me when I was in film school? Well, I was compelled to watch this original before I saw the new remake that got so many award nominations.

This film wasn't a huge success at the time it was released but it has since become a classic. The lighting, editing, dialogue--all of it works so well at pushing you along and building up the suspense. Not a lot actually happens in this film--subtle things, slow build--but that works. At the end you are left with such a bittersweet and solemn feeling. A timeless story.

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here