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Rating: Q=7, P=6 / Average OJ
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=3, Scale 4=3
Romance, Complex Relationships
What if I had chosen a different route home? What if that friend had stayed in the USA? What if I had not gone on that trip? What if I didn't take that class? etc. The concept of In-Yun is one I've thought about a lot since watching Past Lives. The interconnectedness of events and the concept that everything happens for a reason is one I've always subscribed to. I found the story of Past Lives incredibly emotional. Not special or captivating, not particularly interesting even. But it was absorbing because it was real. And it made me cry and think because it is so human. Circumstances do create destiny and change the course of our lives. It's impossible not to think about that boy you used to like and what might have happened if you hadn't immigrated/moved away. A truly beautiful film..
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