Thursday, February 9, 2017

FAVORITES: Amelie, Diner, and A Town Called Panic

FAVORITES for January & February:

Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001)
Click here for the basics
Image result for amelie
Rating: Q=8, P=8 / Obsession
Scale 1=4, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=4, Scale 4=4

Whimsical, Coming of Age, Adventure, Romance

Why is it a Favorite?
I saw Amelie in the theater when I was 16 years old, just starting my journey into the realm of movies and romance. This film means a lot to me, not just because it brings back memories of my teenage years and the tumultuous relationships I had, but also because it made me start thinking about what I value and who I want to be. It's a darn good film, one of the best ever made, in my opinion. It is escapist, but it also has meaningful moments. It is gorgeous in the artistry and cinematography--oh, those bold colors. It has complicated, strange, and interesting characters. It employs an interesting narrative structure...I could go on. There is a certain "comforting something" about the atmosphere of this film--like puffy clouds and chalk drawings and mud between the toes--that makes me nostalgic and contented.

Diner (Barry Levinson, 1982)
Click here for the basics
Image result for diner film
Rating: Q=7, P=8 / Obsession
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=4, Scale 4=4

1950s, Coming of Age, Friendship, Day-in-the-life

Why is it a Favorite?
I LOVE coming of age films that center around a group of men, as you've read on this blog many times before. Diner is definitely that, but it also has the advantage of having a very improvisational script which leads to a flow that really appeals to me. Some might call it "slow" or "aimless," but I like that. I enjoy being the eavesdropper/voyeur who just watches what's going on. Films don't have to have monumental struggles or conflicts, there doesn't need to be a big moment of truth. This film feels like real-life, the conversations, the relationships, the arguments, the little moments.

A Town Called Panic (Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar 2009)
Click here for the basics
Image result for a town called panic
Rating: Q=7, P=8 / Obsession
Scale 1=3, Scale 2=4, Scale 3=4, Scale 4=4

Whimsical, Animation, Adventure

Why is it a Favorite?
I first saw this film when I was home sick and browsing through my Netflix streaming options. It looked fun and uplifting so I pressed "play." The series of reactions that ensued sounded something like this:
"What?" then
"What is this?" then
"OMG, what?!" then
"Seriously, what the **** is this?"
I have never laughed so hard and something I barely understood. This film is completely, absolutely bizarre and I love it. I can't describe it so you'll just have to watch.

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here