Monday, September 23, 2019

Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines (Christian Rivers, 2018)
Click here for the basics
Image result for mortal engines
Rating: Q=5, P=4 / Average OJ
Scale 1=4, Scale 2=1, Scale 3=2, Scale 4=2

Fantasy, Steampunk, Action, Based on Book, Post-apocalypse, Young Adult

What a fun setting and concept! The artists on this film certainly had a good time and their efforts show--a mesmerizing visual feat. Moving cities in a future age of steam? I like this idea and wanted to see the way people live and explore the intricate workings of the machines. But Mortal Engines just doesn't go into it--it barely scratches the surface, in fact. The script is mediocre and focuses almost entirely on the action: chases, battles, war. Also, here's another action flick that has hardly any character development but throws highly emotional moments at you. I found it difficult to empathize. I'm sure the book series spends more time on the characters and their back stories, but adapting/condensing it into one film didn't work. But, wow, the artistry is amazing!

--Don't understand the ratings? Click here